Coronavirus COVID-19 and Regional Logistics

The saying “In every crisis there is an opportunity” is well known.

China is going through a humanitarian, economic and commercial crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, commercially its factories are paralyzed and they are not producing or sending merchandise to supply the businesses in the world. This unique crisis opens an opportunity in America for the Colon Free Zone, since in this world trade center there are large suppliers that have available inventory to meet the growing demand for endless products. It is a unique moment to strengthen commercial ties with old and new buyers.

It is important to take into account how trade and logistics moves worldwide to be able to prevent possible situations and scenarios, in the past the United States blocked imports with China for political issues, this time for health issues and lack of planning translates in big losses for different commercial sectors.

The HUB of the Americas, the Colon Free Zone, offers solutions for all types of business by having storage spaces and multiple transportation options in the region, by having port terminals in both oceans, airports and Free Zones.

Edwin Chen
General Manager.

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